
教育短片 active shooter , 片長6分鐘

我們工作單位固定有這樣的安全講席. 因為我們住在槍枝氾濫的美國,所以把這教育短片貼出來: active shooter (片長6分鐘)

影片人物穿著明顯, 像個冷血人; 實際的狙擊手外貌是不寫在身上臉上的; 金光黨則在接近[獵物], 散佈迷魂氣體, 令人短暫喪失知覺. 都是很可怖的犯罪...

景氣蕭條, 有被裁的員工, 忿忿不平, 返回工作場所報復, 謀殺, 洩憤...

我們不可能離羣索居, 有的殺手不只是針對特定對象, 橫禍常波及無辜羣眾.
祈求老天, 這樣的事可別發生在我們任何人身旁才是!

This is a very important video gives tips to surviving an active shooter. If you are ever to find yourself in the middle of an active shooter event, your survival may depend on whether or not you have a plan.         click below...

English Version

CINCINNATI - The fatal shootings at a crowded Colorado movie theater and a Sikh temple in Wisconsin have more people wondering what to do if they were ever in a similar situation.

On Monday, the Boston University Police Department shared a video call “Run. Hide. Fight. Surviving an Active Shooter Event” on its website that helps answer that question.

The video, produced by the city of Houston Mayor ’s Office of Public Safety, has been popping up across the web.

It takes viewers through a workplace shooting in less than 6 minutes.

