故宫翡翠展 Jade
歌劇魅影 25週年謝幕 特別演出! (Phantom Of The Opera 25th Anniversary grand finale)
++++ 臺北動物園的熊貓團團圓圓生小仔啦!
圓仔…… 超可愛,看了心情超好!
纪录片 - 《下南洋》
《下南洋》是中央新影集团下属北京新影世纪影视文化发展有限公司, 历时两年特别策划制作的一部全面反映南洋华人发展历程的大型高清 纪录片。本片将展现华人在南洋开拓发展的历程与各时期生存状态, 以开 放的全球视野和现代的表述立场梳理历史、观照当下, 力求打造一部能够对华人社会未来发展有所启示的历史人文纪录片。 . 主題曲「過番」是胡德夫主唱,暇時慢慢看。
http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list= PLw4uF3gF21Jmb6qiN_ UAn8hJYa44UOQ0s
共10集 9 Countries: Philipines, Malaysis, Singapore, Indonesia... (#4 is not valid, need to click the link below... )
《下南洋》 第四集 血淚南洋
, the saddest of all the episodes, is available at:
Note: When watching on a Windows PC, the small “cc” box at the lower right screen can displaying English subtitles – convenient for non-Chinese viewers.
Riusuke Fukahori is obsessed goldfish Japanese artist, in 2000, at the lowest point of his career struggling suddenly get inspiration from swimming goldfish who developed a new artistic practices. He poured into a transparent resin in the container, after let it solidify in the above painting a layer of paint, then cast again and painted the first floor, three-dimensional painting finally finished it like a live goldfish being detained where vivid. The artist is like that of a living 3D printers. If you do not see the kind, hard to think of these fish are painted.
http://mp.weixin.qq.com/mp/ appmsg/show?__biz= MjM5NDgxODM4NA%3D%3D&appmsgid= 10020411&itemidx=4&sign= 886e5d38dc7b929d8aa8ab49dd34ab 9c&scene=2&uin=ODYxOTQyNTQ0& key= ac70bdf74bc090c299314f3a569351 fa111ac053377e2cc740e3f8dced9a 4da42374941f73e4772bfe13dcb656 78a32b&devicetype=iPhone+OS5. 1.1&version=15000311&lang=zh_ CN
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